Publication / 2 July 2024

Annual report 2023

We proudly present the annual report 2023! A year with growing awareness that the current economic system is not working and a year full of hopefulness. We selected our top-three stories in the fields of a strengthened civil society, systemic change and transformative practices. You can read all of them in our Annual Report 2023!

Diverse social movements made their voices heard in 2023, calling out loud and clear for justice and systemic change. Read all about our work worldwide in this Annual Report. With our work of systemic change, for instance in Argentina, where Indigenous peoples mobilized in resistance to the lithium rush, which threatens their communities and the fragile ecosystems they have long cared for. 

Transformative practices

In Asia we helped strengthen civil society with women environmental human rights defenders who have built a regional movement against mining and for democratic governance and corporate accountability. They are demanding recognition of women’s leadership in protecting life systems, cultures, biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods. Their efforts give us hope in a world facing multiple crises. We have done a lot of work on transformative practices, for instance in our water projects with the development of the Transformative Water Pact
BE-jaarverslag 2023-SM

Examination of Power

Last but not least we keep on developing our own organization. Both ENDS supports movements that are transforming power relations so that people everywhere can influence and share in the benefits of political en economic processes. It is within this context that we embarked on an ‘Examination of Power’ process in 2023. 
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