
Dossiers in the spotlight

Both ENDS devotes special attention to a number of issues. We often work closely with local partners for many years on these dossiers or, through worldwide networks, we call for changes in policy. Below is a selection of our most prominent dossiers.

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    Seeking justice for the affected communities of Vale’s mining disasters in Mariana and Brumadinho

    In 2015 and 2019, the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais experienced two severe mining tragedies in Mariana and Brumadinho, due to the same mining company: Vale. Since then, the affected communities have been seeking justice, via the criminal punishment of the responsible parties, and a fair compensation for the loss of their loved ones, their homes and their livelihoods. Both ENDS supports local CSOs by amplifying their quest for justice within an international audience and, more specifically, by raising awareness amongst Dutch investors in Vale about the high risks this company’s…
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    Towards a socially and environmentally just energy transition

    To address the climate crisis we need to urgently transition away from fossil fuels towards clean, renewable energy. However, this transition is not only about changing energy sources. It requires an inclusive and fair process that tackles systemic inequalities and demanding consumption patterns…
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    Dare to Trust: the power of unconditional funding

    In 2023, Both ENDS teamed up with the Dutch Postcode Lottery to show the power of trust-based partnership. In the project 'Dare to Trust', we distributed grants to 14 grassroot women's groups worldwide, no strings attached. We aim to show donors that a chain of trust is possible - from the…
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    Transformative Talks

    At Both ENDS we aim to connect people for change. Together with environmental justice groups from the Global South, we work towards a sustainable…
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    Finance for agroecology

    The lion's share of public budgets for climate, agriculture and development still goes to conventional agroindustrial projects that contribute to the current climate, food and biodiversity crises. Both ENDS and our partners are calling for a transition to agroecological practices that are people- and…
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    Uganda’s Energy Future

    Despite the existence of many hydropower dams, foreign investments and large government spending on energy, and new plans for hydropower, oil and gas projects, the vast majority of rural Uganda still remains without electricity. Together with our local partners we are striving towards a…
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    Make Innovations work for all: reframing Intellectual Property Rights

    It sounds so logical: patents and other intellectual property rights protect investments in innovations, allowing more innovations to be made from which the whole world can benefit. Such as new medicines or drought-resistant crops. But in practice, these property rights often have the opposite effect…
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    Inclusive ways to sustainable and healthy food for all

    All around the world small-scale farmers are using sustainable and inclusive methods to produce food. Working together with nature and each other, they provide their families and communities with sufficient and healthy food. But their production methods are under pressure from large-scale agriculture and the globally dominant system of industrial food production. Together with our partners, Both ENDS is trying to turn the tide in favour of sustainable, local practices that are mostly known as 'agro-ecological' or 'nature-inclusive'. Why are we focusing on these methods? Agro-ecological…
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    The Netherlands, the world and the elections

    Elections are soon to be held in the Netherlands. The political parties are sharpening their knives and have outlined their plans in hefty manifestos. Not surprisingly, they mainly focus on domestic issues. International themes are primarily addressed in terms of opportunities for Dutch companies and threats in areas like health, privacy and competition that we need to protect ourselves against. But if we want to make the Netherlands sustainable, we especially need to look at our footprint beyond our own borders and make every effort to reduce it. In the weeks leading up to the elections, Both…
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    Everything becomes fluid under pressure: behind the scenes in Corona time

    In these times of worldwide lockdown all attention is focused on the care sector, on the sorrow of those who are losing their loved ones, on children getting home-schooling and the neighbour who can no longer go the supermarket herself. Politicians and civil servants are hard at work trying to…
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    Gas in Mozambique

    In 2011 one of the world’s largest gas reserves was found in the coastal province of Cabo Delgado, in the north of Mozambique. A total of 35 billion dollars has been invested to extract the gas. Dozens of multinationals and financiers are involved in these rapid developments. It is very difficult for the people living in Cabo Delgado to exert influence on the plans and activities, while they experience the negative consequences. With the arrival of these…
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    Rights for People, Rules for Corporations – Stop ISDS!

    Indigenous communities in Paraguay saw their attempts to regain their ancestral lands thwarted by German investors. In Indonesia, US-based mining companies succeeded to roll back new laws that were meant to boost the country’s economic development and protect its forests.  This is the level of impact that investment treaties can have on social, environmental and economic development and rights. Why? Because of the ‘Investor-to-State…
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    Soy: trade in deforestation

    The rising demand for soy is having negative consequences for people and the environment in South America. Both ENDS reminds Dutch actors in the…
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    The merits of community-based restoration

    Globally, the area that is suffering desertification and land degradation is ever expanding. Unsustainable and often large-scale agricultural practices, including the copious use of pesticides and fertilisers, are a major driver of land degradation, aprocess that is further exacerbated by climate change, causing more erratic rainfall patterns, longer periods of drought and unpredictable growing seasons. This is very problematic not only for the hundreds of millions of people who directly depend on land and water for their livelihoods, but also for life on earth as a whole. It is clear that this process must…
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    The Climate lawsuit against Shell

    Both ENDS is co-plaintiff in the climate lawsuit brought by Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth The Netherlands) in 2018 against Shell to stop the company from causing harm to the climate. In 2021, the judge ruled in favor of the climate, but unfortunately the company appealed. The court will…
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    Small Grants Big Impacts

    Small grants funds offer an effective, alternative way to channel big money from large donors and funds to local groups and organisations that are…
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    Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA)

    GAGGA rallies the collective power of the women's rights and environmental justice movements to realize a world where women can and do access…
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    Fair Green and Global Alliance (FGG)

    Together with civil society organisations from all over the world, the Fair Green and Global (FGG) Alliance aims for socially just, inclusive and…
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    Wetlands without Borders

    With our Wetlands without Borders program, we work towards environmentally sustainable and socially responsible governance of the wetlands…
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    The Netherlands and the SDGs: A better world starts with yourself

    In 2015, the member states of the United Nations committed themselves to the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unlike their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs recognise the importance of equality within and between countries, of…
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    Making pension funds more sustainable

    Pension funds have a lot of influence because of their enormous assets. Both ENDS therefore wants pension funds such as the Dutch ABP to withdraw…
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    Advocating for responsible policies of development banks

    Development banks should comply with strict environmental and human rights rules to ensure that their projects benefit and do not harm the poorest…
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    Communities Regreen the Sahel

    In various countries in the Sahel, vast tracts of land have been restored by the local population by nurturing what spontaneously springs from the soil…
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    Green Climate Fund: calling for local access to climate finance

    Local organisations and groups must be given access to climate finance from the Green Climate Fund. They know exactly what is happening in their…
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    Investment treaties

    Investment treaties must be inclusive, sustainable and fair. That means that they must not put the interests of companies before those of people and…
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    Rich Forests

    Rich Forests promotes a sustainable and future-proof production system and supports, among other things, the transformation of degraded land into…
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    Paris Proof Export Support

    Almost two-thirds of the export credit insurances that Atradius DSB provided in the 2012-2018 period went to the fossil energy sector. That is contrary…
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    Agua Zarca: indigenous fight against dam costs lives

    Indigenous Hondurans are resisting the construction of the Agua Zarca hydrodam. Their fight has cost several lives, including that of Berta Cáceres…
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    Large-scale infrastructure

    Large-scale infrastructural projects have detrimental effects on local people and the environment, while their benefits are felt elsewhere. Both ENDS is…
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    Trade agreements

    International trade agreements often have far-reaching consequences not only for the economy of a country, but also for people and the environment…
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