News / 2 March 2017

A letter to Dutch minister one year after Berta Cáceres' murder

Today, it is exactly one year ago that Berta Cáceres was brutally murdered in her home in Honduras. Cáceres was a globally known human rights defender and coordinator of the indigenous Lenca organisation COPINH. The murder of Berta is closely related to her protest against the Agua Zarca dam, a hydroelectric project financed partially by the Dutch development bank FMO. 

One year after the murder, there has still not been a decent independent investigation in the murder, the perpetrators have not been prosecuted, the banks investing in the Agua Zarca project have not officially divested and human rights defenders in Honduras are still under threat.


Today and tomorrow, all over the world people are showing their solidarity with COPINH, with Berta’s family and with the indigenous communities. There are mobilisations in Honduras and at Honduran embassies, people are sending letters and radio messages to the Lenca communities, and at 6pm Honduran time people all over the world will light candles to ask for justice.


Together with SOMO, Both ENDS has written a letter to the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development and the CEO of the FMO to push for action. 


More information:
• Global Witness report: Honduras: the deadliest place to defend the planet

• 7 February 2017: COPINH leader: 'our communities are terrified' 

• 30 September 2016: New report: lenders should exit from Agua Zarca project
• 13 May 2016: Arrest of DESA staff member for murder of Berta Cáceres seems last straw for FMO
• 21 April 2016: Honduran Indigenous activists visit Europe to call for action
• 16 March 2016: FMO's suspension of activities in Honduras is just a first step
• 5 March 2016: Brave human rights defender Berta Cáceres murdered



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