News / 8 maart 2019

Campaign "We, women are water" launched on International Women's Day

During the month of March, and as part of International Women's Day (March 8th) and World Water Day (March 22nd), the organizations that constitute GAGGA-Latin America, will lead a joint campaign called "We, women are water".

With this campaign, they want to

  • make visible the role of Latin American women in the defense of drinking water;
  • make visible the specific impacts on women as a result of the disappearance and contamination of water sources; and
  • support women's leadership in the management of and decisions about this common good.

Women are key in defending access to water

The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) is an alliance of women's funds, socio-environmental funds, non-governmental organizations and grassroots groups that have been working together since 2016. This alliance brings together women's rights and environmental justice as a fundamental way to promote the importance of human rights in issues related to territorial livelihood and environmental values.

Our collective work, since 2016, has resulted in women defending their rights and access to potable, clean and safe water, and the issue of a demand by the movements and grassroots groups that see this right as under threat. At the same time, we collaborate for recognition of the numerous actions and initiatives lead by women environmental defenders, to guarantee the sustainability of water, life and to promote the participation of women in decision-making spaces.

We invite you to join the "We, women are water" campaign and share the information
that will be shared on social media by each participating fund and organization.

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