News / 8 mei 2019

The "Heart trumps hates" campaign calls on the Dutch to choose for solidarity

Organisations join forces against polarisation

A broad coalition of organisations has joined forces for peace, human rights, equal opportunities for all and a society where discrimination and exclusion are actively opposed. Under the name "Heart trumps hates", the organisations call upon the public to sign a manifesto and to vote against divisions and for connection at the European elections on May 23rd 2019. On Sunday May 19th an event takes place in Utrecht, where visitors can make a joint statement. People in ten other European countries will also take action on this day.

"Heart trumps hates" event in Utrecht

Jurjen van den Bergh of civil movement 'DeGoedeZaak': "We have been inspired by everyone who has taken to the streets in recent months and has spoken out for a better climate, for equal rights and against racism and hatred. Just before the EU-elections, we call attention to the society that we want: a fair economy, ambitious and just climate policies and an equal and peaceful society."

In addition to a main stage with information and performances by artists such as Fresku, Kasba and Sabrina Starke, there will also be a tent at the event on 19 May in the Transwijk Park in Utrecht, in which debates are held with speakers from the Netherlands and from abroad. Around 4 p.m. all visitors together will show that that they really believe that "Heart trumps hates".

The event will be from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and more information about the exact programming will follow soon. People in Germany, Austria, Romania, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Spain, the Czech Republic, Italy and Lithuania will also make themselves heard on that day.

Increase in hatred and intolerance in Europe

Hatred and intolerance are on the rise throughout Europe. This is a threat to the rule of law and our free society. On the 23rd of May we are electing a new European parliament, which gives us an opportunity to stand up and draw a line against what threatens our values.

"In Europe and also in our own country, we see more and more often that human rights are under pressure and we are confronted with the language of division, exclusion, fear and even hatred," says Eduard Nazarski, director of Amnesty International Netherlands. "Those who do not want the Netherlands to go in that direction, must make themselves heard."


The manifesto Heart trumps Hates is signed by more than 30 organisations:
Amnesty International, ASKV, BothENDS, Code Rood, Collectief Tegen Islamofobie en Discriminatie, Comité 21 Maart, Cordaid, De Goede Zaak, Dokters van de Wereld, Euro-Mediterraan Centrum Migratie & Ontwikkeling, Fossielvrij NL, Foundation Max van der Stoel, Greenpeace Nederland, Humanistisch Verbond, Internationale Socialisten, La Benevolencia, LSVb, Stichting Meld Islamofobie, Milieudefensie, PAX, PARTOS, Pride Amsterdam, Prove Them Wrong, Solidaridad, Stem op een Vrouw, Stop Wapenhandel, S.P.E.A.K, Transnational Institute, Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland, Women's March Netherlands.

Website and manifesto (Heart trumps hates' (Hart boven Hard)



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