News / 19 maart 2024

Both ENDS - Remarkably Special

At Both ENDS, we hold our own responsibility, self-direction, an open feedback culture, and personal development in high regard. Chaos, you might think? Not at all, it leads to an effective way of working with much enjoyment. The flat organizational structure that Both ENDS has been implementing since 2016 is founded on collectivity. In this, you can also see our aim of 'Connecting people for change' reflected.

The flat organizational structure has been developed collaboratively with all colleagues. The approach mirrors Both ENDS' vision of the world and puts 'sharing power' into practice. This means that authority and decision-making power are not confined to a limited number of individuals but are shared throughout the organization. Decision-making becomes more robust and effective as a result.

Another underlying idea behind this approach is that every individual possesses their own form of leadership. Nurturing and enhancing this is the starting point: if someone wants to develop as an expert or learn to be a project leader, they can. This fosters individual initiative, personal development, and a sense of responsibility.

The Home Groups

Novel to most people are the 'home groups'; the secure haven for each employee. Home groups are heterogeneous groups, and the employees within each group may not necessarily have hierarchical or work-related connections. In this safe environment, there is room for serious introspection, substantive discussions, and enjoyable activities. Leading each home group is a home group coordinator: a role that rotates every few years. This coordinator serves as the primary point of contact for colleagues with questions and issues.

The Core Processes

The organizational strategy is implemented and monitored through four core processes: Content, Fundraising & Acquisition (F&A), Partners, and PMEL & Quality (planning, monitoring, evaluation, and learning). The process groups essentially function as small management teams with significant authority over their respective processes. However, to ensure decisions are well-grounded, they always involve relevant colleagues first. For this purpose, the process groups utilize the RACI model (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed). The process group is accountable for ensuring that the necessary actions are taken within the process (e.g., establishing a partner policy, defining a substantive position, fundraising, etc.). While the process group may not necessarily execute all activities themselves, they ensure that they are appropriately delegated within the organization. Each process has one main process owner and three process owners distributed among the home groups. This ensures representation of each process in every home group.

In addition to the core processes, there are several support processes: communication, office management, finance, ICT, and HR. These processes are overseen by the support staff. They can address organization-wide issues through the home groups or share them during the weekly 'Tuesday morning presentation'. During such presentations, the entire organization convenes to be informed about experiences, developments, decisions, or results from the work of Both ENDS employees and partners.

The Challenges

Is it always straightforward? No organizational structure is without its challenges, and ours is no exception. This organizational model necessitates trust, a strong capacity for learning both as individuals and as an organization, discipline, and active engagement from all of us, taking into account the strengths and diversity of all colleagues. Clear responsibilities and decision-making, coupled with an open feedback culture, are thus at the heart of our learning organization.

The Harvest

Both ENDS has been operating with this model for eight years now, and the results are impressive. Colleagues feel engaged and connected through the active involvement of the home groups. Because colleagues contribute to substantive or organizational issues, they feel integrated into the whole. This also leads to richer and better decisions as various perspectives are considered. By investing in leadership within the Both ENDS team, we stand stronger and more resilient as an organization. Many current and former Both ENDS employees experience a profound sense of 'family' within the organization. This is how we embody 'Connecting people for change' within Both ENDS!

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