News / 2 april 2024

The Climate lawsuit against Shell

Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) and 6 other organisations are confidently heading into Shell’s appeal of the 2021 climate ruling, which will take place on April 2nd in The Hague. In the landmark lawsuit against the oil and gas company, the court decided that Shell must slash its CO2 emissions by 45%, in line with international climate agreements.


 Both ENDS is co-plaintiff in the climate lawsuit being brought by Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth The Netherlands) against Shell to stop the company from causing harm to the climate. Shell has known about the severity of the climate problem for many years but continues with the climate-polluting extraction of oil and gas. By doing so, it undermines efforts to achieve the climate goals. Companies have a responsibility not to cause serious harm to society and the climate. Because Shell refuses to take that responsibility itself, we are taking the company to court. In brief, we demand that Shell has zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and adapts its activities to be fully aligned with the climate goals in the Paris Agreement.


Anne de Jonghe, senior policy officer Both ENDS: "The fossil projects hit vulnerable people in poor countries hardest. They face destruction of their environment, pollution of land and water they rely on, and many people are forced to relocate. They do not share in the profits and are not heard. Continuing investments in the oil and gas in the global South, threatens them with high dependence on exports and holds back their own development. We want their voices to be heard in court."


Read more about this topic in this special Dossier.

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