News / 21 October 2024

Disappointment over failure to submit National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

We are deeply disappointed and frustrated that the Dutch government has not submitted its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) for the CBD COP16 in Cali. This disregard for international agreements undermines the concerted global effort to address the urgent biodiversity crisis.

The NBSAP is a mandatory requirement for all countries party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Netherlands, along with 195 other countries, has committed to developing and submitting updated NBSAPs that are in line with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, a key commitment adopted in 2021.

Both ENDS, together with other stakeholders such as scientists, companies, NGOs and government agencies, has been actively involved in preparing the NBSAP for the Netherlands since last year. We consulted our partners, environmental organisations from the South, and brought their opinions to the ministry's consultation. It is interesting to note that our partners praised the ministry for the inclusive process that had been initiated.

The Dutch consultation resulted in a carefully drafted NBSAP, outlining concrete steps to achieve globally agreed biodiversity targets. This plan was ready in the first half of the year, well ahead of the CBD deadline.

The Dutch government's failure to submit the NBSAP constitutes a setback for international biodiversity efforts and sends the worrying message that biodiversity is not a priority for the current government. The government's justification for not submitting-‘The government wants to further flesh out the NBSAP along the lines of the outline agreement and the coalition programme.’-is unacceptable, given the urgency of the global biodiversity crisis. This excuse shows a disturbing lack of understanding of the gravity of the situation. The world is facing an unprecedented decline in biodiversity, with serious consequences for human well-being, societies, nature and the future of our planet. The Netherlands' failure to submit the NBSAP undermines the global cooperation needed to halt and reverse this disastrous trend.

Both ENDS calls on the Dutch government to submit the carefully drafted NBSAP without further delay.

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