News / 22 december 2009

Always Coca-Cola? Film & Debate

22 December, 20:30 at OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam
Films and debate on globalisation and resistance.


Holy Water (2007) (30 min)
A film about India's farmers protesting against Coca-Cola, decreasing water levels and a Coke factory that had to close down because of this.

Mine, story of a sacred mountain (2009) (10 min)
About the Dongria Kondh tribe that see their lands being invaded by Vedanta Resources, a London-based Mining company.

Debate on global resistance with:
Nandlal Master, Leader of the farmers movement against Coke in India
Geert Ritsema, Milieudefensie
Gerard Oonk, India Committee of the Netherlands
Tobias Schmitz, Both ENDS

Come and join us!

Tickets: 4 Euro
Location: Overtoom 301, Cinema (2nd floor), Amsterdam (
All proceedings go to farmers movement against Coke in India - read more on


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