
UNFCCC COP 26 side event ‘Aligning export finance with the Paris Agreement: high time to phase out fossil fuels’

Many countries heavily support fossil fuel investments abroad through their export credit agency (ECA). This contributes to carbon lock- in,  whereby companies or even countries commit themselves to a certain amount of greenhouse gas emissions for the lifetime of the infrastructure — oftentimes years or even decades. This seriously delays the transition to renewable energy sources, and is certainly not in line with Art. 2.1c of the Paris Agreement.

Highlighting the impacts caused by export finance in the global South, this side event will provide concrete recommendations to decarbonize export credit agencies.

  • Register here (if you are COP-visitor)
  • Follow the event here on YouTube (if you are not registered)

The speakers on the panel:

  • Julio Bichehe (Farmers Union Cabo Delgado Mozambique);
  • Laila Darouich (Perspectives Climate Research)
  • Kate DeAngelis (Friends of the Earth US);
  • Ayumi Fukakusa (Friends of the Earth Japan);
  • Richard Matey (Alliance for Empowering Rural Communities, Ghana) ;
  • Axel Michaelowa (University of Zurich);
  • Mariane Søndergaard-Jensen (Danish ECA, EKF, Denmark).
  • Bjarne Steffen (ETH Zurich);

Co-hosts of the event:

  • Both ENDS
  • University of Zurich
  • ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • Abibimann Foundation

More information about ECA's worldwide:

And see related content below this article

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