
Agroecology as a Climate Change Measure: Exploring financial opportunities for Agroecological Practices in Africa

Climate conference (UNFCCC) side event

This event will showcase the vital need to advance agroecology as a people, nature and livelihood-centred approach towards climate adaptation and mitigation. It will make the case for agroecology and climate action based on researched and carefully selected case studies on agroecology in Africa and how it is and can continue contributing to adaptation and mitigation of the impacts of climate change.

It will also serve as a space to discuss the vital issue of addressing climate finance for agroecology in Africa. It is widely known that a small percentage of climate finance reaches local actors; as that local groups and the organisations that support them do not fulfil the disproportionately strict administrative and financial standards and requirements that many public/ multilateral funds, philanthropies, and bilateral funders require.

Small grants mechanisms can be a solution, as they actually are able to bridge many of those barriers. What can be learnt from the way these small grant mechanisms are operating? What would be needed to connect these small grant mechanisms to the climate finance? We will discuss the setting up of a small grants fund on Agroecology in Senegal.

English-French translation will be available.

About this event:

  • Hosted by AFSA and Both ENDS.
  • Moderated by Sena Alouka (JVE Togo)

List of speakers and participating organisations:

  • Karen Nekesa (RESCOPE)
  • Million Belay (AFSA)
  • Mary Irungu (PELUM Kenya),
  • Mamadou Fall (IED Afrique Senegal),


  • Bernard Kirono (Kenya Delegation Member)
  • Emile Frison (Agroecology Coalition)
  • IFAD (speaker tbc)
  • Angelica Shamerina, (GEF Small Grants Facility)


For more information