
Our overarching themes

Both ENDS works towards a fair and sustainable world in which everyone has a voice. Our work focuses on a number of overarching themes.

  • We work, for example, on achieving fair climate policies that not only minimise climate change but also help the people who are most severely affected to adapt.
  • We help to ensure that government budgets intended for development genuinely contribute to sustainable and inclusive development.
  • We want international trade and investment agreements that not only benefit large companies but also protect and promote human rights and the environment.
  • We call for sustainable use and management of land, water and forests.
  • And we work to create a safe environment around the world for civil society organisations, where human rights, especially indigenous rights and equal rights for women and men, are respected.


  • Climate justice
  • Human rights and gender
  • Land & water governance
  • Public finance for development
  • Trade and investments