Both ENDS submitted a public comment on the proposed access to information policy of the Asian Development Bank. In the regime of exceptions and limitations to the disclosure policy, we are concerned about the lack of a clear requirement for the Bank to adequately justify exceptions. We would prefer the regime of exceptions and limitations to be based on the principle that access to information may be refused only when the Bank can adequately demonstrate harm that may be caused by disclosure.
Development banks should comply with strict environmental and human rights rules to ensure that their projects benefit and do not harm the poorest groups. Both ENDS monitors the banks to make sure they do.
This week we heard the sad news from Flint, Michigan, that Sandra Smithey has passed away. Sandra was for many years our pillar of support at the CS Mott Foundation. The foundation has supported the work of Both ENDS and of partners like Casa Fund and the NGO Forum on the ADB for more than 20 years, both financially and with its wide-ranging knowledge. One of Sandra’s ambitions was to make international money flows, such as development funding via the World Bank but also, for example, export credit insurance, fairer and more sustainable.