
Afrikadag: Future of food and farming in Africa: the role for small-scale agroecological food production

Join us this Saturday the 28th of  May for an inpiring session about the role of agro-ecology in the trasformation to a future proof food and farming system on the African continent (and beyond).

Organised by:

ActionAid, Both ENDS, Oxfam Novib and WNF

Harvests and food value chains are threatened around the world, the number of undernourished people is on the rise along with unprecedented loss of biodiversity and natural habitats. Food systems need to be radically transformed: adapting to a changing climate, whilst safeguarding future yields without further eroding ecosystems. Agroecology, a holistic approach that puts ecological processes and the agency of small-scale farmers central in the transformation of food systems, provides a promising perspective on how to make agriculture more sustainable, inclusive and resilient.

Several African speakers will elaborate on the role of small-scale farmers in Africa to provide food for local markets, and the potential for farmers to adopt more agroecological approaches. An expert panel will further reflect on the role of Dutch and international actors in safeguarding food security, building strong economies and restoring ecosystems on the African continent.


Rosinah Mbenya (PELUM Kenya), Christine Theunissen (PvdD), Million Belay (Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa)

Language: English

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