
Burghard Ilge

international trade and investment • mutual capacity building • Human rights • WTO • ISDS • policy development

While I also worked in the past on multilateral financial institutions such as the World Bank or other issues such as international tax policies, since quite a while the main focus of my work is on international trade and investment rules.

At a first glance trade and investment agreements seem just hundreds of pages of highly technical boring text but the implications of such treaties can be very far reaching.


This can reach from consequences for livelihoods of small scale tomato and poultry farmers in Africa to repercussions for the implementation of efficient national and international social and environmental policies.


The devil is often in the detail and together with technical experts, trade activists and colleagues in the global south I try to increase the understanding of trade and investment rules and their possible implications, and strengthen the voice of those excluded from the related negotiations and decision making, both at home and in international fora.


Burghard Ilge