Op 12 november doet het Gerechtshof in Den Haag opnieuw uitspraak in de klimaatzaak tegen Shell, waarin Both ENDS medeaanklager is. Vooruitlopend op deze uitspraak vroegen we onze partners waarom deze Nederlandse rechtszaak belangrijk is voor het Mondiale Zuiden.
In this video we see Maria Mkhatswa, who is claiming the right of her people to have access to clean water, like they had years ago, when the coal mining industry had not yet polluted the whole area. The three part series 'Reality of Mine' gives a voice to women affected by mining in India, Kenya and South Africa. With the support of international NGOs Both ENDS and ActionAid, they have begun to stand up for their rights.
This short video takes you to Panna, India, where traditional adivasi women successfully oppose forced evictions. The three part series 'Reality of Mine' gives a voice to women affected by mining in India, Kenya and South Africa. With the support of international NGOs Both ENDS and ActionAid, they have begun to stand up for their rights.
The population of the informal settlement Masakhane, South Africa is highly affected by the pollution and environmental damage caused by the the coal-fired Duvha power station. Before the mining and power station developments, families had access to and control over the land, even if they did not own it. Farming used to be the main source of livelihood. Today, mining companies and investors own most of the land, and as a direct consequence people have lost a lot of their farming and grazing land. This video shows testimonies of victims and their efforts to turn the tide.
In this video, Trivinia Mwanga Mwamburi from Kenya takes you with in her fight to get the land back which was taken from her because of the expansion of large scale salt mines. The three part series 'Reality of Mine' gives a voice to women affected by mining in India, Kenya and South Africa. With the support of international NGOs Both ENDS and ActionAid, they have begun to stand up for their rights.
Nederland is na het Verenigd Koninkrijk het eerste land in Europa waar 'goed goud' wordt verkocht. Op 7 mei vond in Amsterdam de officiële lancering van Fairtrade-Fairmined goud plaats. Hoogtepunt was de overhandiging van het eerste gouden armbandje met dit certificaat aan Katja Römer-Schuurman uit handen van een Peruviaanse mijnwerker. Het armbandje staat symbool voor goed goud en zal door Römer-Schuurman met trots worden gedragen. "De cirkel is rond", zegt Lina Villa, directeur van de Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM), die vanaf het begin betrokken was bij het project.