Last week Both ENDS participated in the 38th Board Meeting of the Green Climate Fund in Kigali, Rwanda, together with GAGGA partners Fatoumata Mbodji (LSD Senegal), Emem Okon (Kebetbache Nigeria), Alda Salomao (Tindzila Mozambique), Zenabou Segda (Women Environmental Program Burkina Faso) and Ibrahima Dia (IED Afrique, project lead in the Communities Regreen the Sahel program).
De Nederlandse exportkredietverzekeraar Atradius DSB opereert haaks op het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs; in naam van de Nederlandse Staat blijft het investeringen in fossiele brandstoffen flink ondersteunen. Dat blijkt uit een rapport van Duits onderzoeksbureau Perspectives Climate Research (PCR), waarin de exportkredietverzekeraars van Nederland en die van Japan langs de Parijs-lat worden gelegd op het gebied van hun klimaatambities.
Together with 29 other CSO's, we've submitted our comments and recommendations in the Public Consultation on the AfDB Integrated Safeguards System. These include that the Bank should prioritize community-led development and human rights-based approaches; protect natural resources and tackles environmental and climate crises; raise the bar on access to information, transparency and accountability; facilitate participatory processes in policies, programmes and projects; and end inequality, poverty, and the cutback and privatization of vital services.
25 civil society organisations, including Both ENDS have submitted a comment on the overarching policy of the newly proposed Environmental and Social Framework of the EIB Group. The EIB has to undertake environmental, climate, social and human rights assessment and appraisal of proposed projects to inform the decision of financing and must not rely on a clients' self-assessment and reporting (solely). The Policy needs to state clearly what the due diligence, monitoring and reporting responisibilities for the EIB are, in particular regarding human rights and contractual clauses with clients should enshrine the standards in all EIB operations, enabling for suspension of contracts if the standards are not implemented.