Both ENDS, SOMO, Oxfam Novib en Recourse hebben een bijdrage ingestuurd op FMO's consultatie over hun Position Statement on Financial Intermediaries. In dit position statement neemt FMO slechts beperkt verantwoordelijkheid voor de gevolgen van haar investeringen via zogeheten financial intermediaries. We roepen FMO op een position statement uit te brengen dat erop gericht is mensenrechten en milieu wél te beschermen en daarvoor verantwoordelijkheid te nemen.
16 civil society organisations including Both ENDS have written a letter of concern to the European Investment Bank about a newly proposed standard for the Bank its intermediate finance investing. Both ENDS contribution to the contents of the joint letter consists out of proposals for improvement of screening, scoping, due diligence, appraisal, monitoring and supervision of high-risk clients and sub-projects. through financial intermediaries and clear and mandatory social, environmental and human rights requirements for FI investing matters.
This letter by Both ENDS to the African Development Bank is a comment written in reaction to a draft version published by the Bank of its Environmental and Social Policy as part of a formal public consultation held by the Bank. This comment was sent to the bank along a joint submission letter with other CSOs, and specifically responds to the overarching Policy.
The bank's flexible requirements for clients and national standards for risky projects dilute safeguards. Project approval should be predicated on specific and binding targets for compliance and reflect input from communities involved.