The fourth webinar of a five part series on women's rights and climate finance: Strategies for Organizing to Influence, Monitor, and Track Climate Finance (from Global to Local), focused on strategies to engage with various actors to both facilitate and advocate for the meaningful inclusion of the perspectives and experiences of women's groups, affected communities, and other civil society stakeholders in the design and implementation of projects and programs.
The third session of our five part series on women's rights and climate finance, Getting the Money to the People: GCF Accreditation and Enhanced Direct Action, focused on accessing the Green Climate Fund through working with stakeholders at the country level (engaging with the National Designated Authority), utilizing Enhanced Direct Access, and seeking accreditation.
The second session of our five part series on women's rights and climate finance, Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Finance Mechanisms, provided an overview of how gender equality has been mainstreamed into global climate finance mechanisms, including a deep dive on gender considerations under the Green Climate Fund by Liane Schalatek of the Heinrich Boell Foundation - North America.
From 7 to 18 november, the Climate Change COP22 will take place in Marrakech, Morrocco. This '22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)' as it is called officially, is the annual meeting of the 195 countries which have signed and ratified the convention.
Both ENDS is goed vertegenwoordigd tijdens de Climate Change Conference die eind 2015 in Parijs plaatsvindt. We organiseren, en co-organiseren een aantal workshops en side events. Hier een overzicht van deze events:
This Introduction to Climate Finance is the first of a five part series on women's rights and climate finance, aiming to build knowledge and power to ensure finance flows are benefiting local women's groups, responding to community needs and respecting human rights. This session will outline the climate finance landscape, as well as the key challenges and opportunities we hope to explore in this webinar series.
Vandaag is het internationale vrouwendag. Een dag die zo’n 100 jaar geleden voortkwam uit stakingen van vrouwen tegen slechte arbeidsomstandigheden in de textielindustrie. Sindsdien is er veel verbeterd voor vrouwen, maar moeten we helaas ook constateren dat mannen en vrouwen nog steeds niet gelijk zijn. In 1949 waarschuwde Simone de Beauvoir al dat je vrouwenrechten nooit als vanzelfsprekend kunt beschouwen, en recente ontwikkelingen zoals de aanscherping van abortuswetten in sommige landen, bevestigen dat. Ze laten zien dat ook in het ‘Vrije Westen’ vrouwenrechten nog helemaal niet zo vanzelfsprekend zijn.