Eurodad's International Conference is co-hosted by Eurodad's Dutch members ActionAid Netherlands, Both ENDS, OIKOS, Oxfam Novib and SOMO. It will be held in the Caballero Fabriek in The Hague.
25 civil society organisations, including Both ENDS have submitted a comment on the overarching policy of the newly proposed Environmental and Social Framework of the EIB Group. The EIB has to undertake environmental, climate, social and human rights assessment and appraisal of proposed projects to inform the decision of financing and must not rely on a clients' self-assessment and reporting (solely). The Policy needs to state clearly what the due diligence, monitoring and reporting responisibilities for the EIB are, in particular regarding human rights and contractual clauses with clients should enshrine the standards in all EIB operations, enabling for suspension of contracts if the standards are not implemented.
Globally, the area that is suffering desertification and land degradation is ever expanding. Unsustainable and often large-scale agricultural practices, including the copious use of pesticides and fertilizers, are a major driver of land degradation, aprocess that is further exacerbated by climate change, causing more erratic rainfall patterns, longer periods of drought and unpredictable growing seasons. This is very problematic not only for the hundreds of millions of people who directly depend on land and water for their livelihoods, but also for life on earth as a whole. It is clear that this process must be stopped and reversed, better sooner than later. But how to go about it?
Gezamenlijk persbericht van Both ENDS en Fossielvrij NL - 26 maart 2019
Een groep van 22 vermogende Nederlanders heeft besloten om al hun persoonlijk vermogen weg te halen uit de top 200 olie-, gas- en kolenbedrijven. In totaal gaat het om een persoonlijk vermogen van ongeveer 200 miljoen euro. De 'pledgers' beloven om binnen nu en drie tot vijf jaar al hun investeringen weg te halen uit de fossiele industrie. Ze geven daarmee een duidelijk signaal af dat zij niet willen dat hun vermogen bijdraagt aan het veroorzaken van desastreuze klimaatverandering.