Het International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Both ENDS, IUCN Nederland en Mama Cash nodigen je uit voor presentaties door Joan Carling, inheems leider en vrouwenrechtenactiviste uit de Filipijnen en lid van de permanente commissie inheemse volken van de VN, en Jan van de Venis, mensenrechtenadvocaat bij JustLaw, over de ervaringen van inheemse leiders op de Filipijnen in een context van toenemende onderdrukking en mensenrechtenschendingen tegen milieu-activisten.
On the 14th of April, Both ENDS wil host a workshop called 'Small Grants, Big Impacts' on the annual Africa day in Amsterdam. The workshop aims to demonstrate that so called 'small grants funds' effectively deliver (devopment and climate) money where it matters, to people that need it the most. Large development banks, funds, donors and governments could use small grants funds as alternative financing mechanisms to make sure their money benefits people and their environment now and it the far future.
Between 2010 and 2013, Both ENDS, together with Indonesian and Dutch organisations and universities, conducted a project in the district of Sanggau in West-Kalimantan, on the island of Borneo, Indonesia. The project was meant to help local communities with the recognition of their land rights and. This is a beautiful short documentary about how the people of one of these villages responded to the ever expanding palm oil plantations around them.