LEDARS - Local Environment Development and Agricultural Research Society - Bangladesh
The Green Climate Fund aims to support transformational pathways to climate-resilient development, intends to reach those most vulnerable, and commits to a gender-sensitive approach. This session presents an important way of putting these commitments into practice: by engaging small grants funds. These funds can provide the much needed channel between large international institutions and local communities adapting to climate change, and assure financing reaches women and men to contribute to transformative climate action. But how to make this shift in how financing is delivered? The audience will be actively engaged in the discussion to come to concrete suggestions to strengthen local access and gender responsiveness of climate finance.
De minister van Industrie en Handel van Tsjechië is van plan om de toegang tot het zogenaamde 'Integrated Pollution Register' (IPR) te bemoeilijken. Met dat register kan Tsjechië - in tegenstelling tot sommige andere landen - controleren of internationale conventies met betrekking tot mileubescherming zoals de 'Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)', worden nageleefd.