
Marius Troost


Advocacy • Trade and investment • Just Energy Transition

The way we produce, consume and invest has a global impact. Climate change knows no borders and the choices we make here can influence livelihoods on the other side of the globe. We therefore have a responsibility to view our choices from a global perspective and to make our policies fair and sustainable.


Instead, governments and businesses have prioritised wealth over well being for ages, at the cost of human and animal suffering, environmental degradation and global warming. It is now time to put people and environment first. This is what I strive for at Both ENDS.


I do this both by influencing Dutch policy abroad, as well as giving affected communities a seat at the table at Dutch and international policy platforms. For example, one of the areas I work on is making public financial flows fossil-free. That way, we can make public finance become part of the solution, not contribute to existing problems.

Marius Troost