
Paul Wolvekamp


Just Energy Transition • Innovative grant making • Agri-commodity supply chains • Private sector • Palm oil • RSPO • Forests • Land rights • Indigenous Peoples • Local-indigenous knowledge

Both ENDS performs a unique role as intermediary and catalyst – supporting people committed to environmental conservation and restoration, human rights, cultural diversity, sustainable economies, and enabling young people to take this forward.


This role and the causes Both ENDS supports align with the values I hold in life and my personal aspiration – as a broker – to connect people, ideas, and resources in service of such causes.


I am inspired by both traditional and new systems of natural resources management, which are inclusive, equitable, and enhance local people's self-reliance and self-determination.


My association with Both ENDS goes back to 1989. I served Both ENDS as its Deputy Director during its pioneering stages. I channel my support – as trustee, governor, co-founder, adviser, or partner – to a range of institutions and networks, e.g. Rutu Foundation & ILED Network, Keystone Foundation, RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), NTFP-EP Asia, Forest Peoples Programme, and the International Tree Fund.

Paul Wolvekamp