
Procedures and policies

On this page you can find various documents regarding our organisational procedures and policies:

Complaints procedure

For Both ENDS our relationship with others (partners, donors etc) is of the utmost importance and we strive to treat our contacts in the best way possible. Our complaints procedure explains what you can do if you feel you have not been treated correctly.

Download the Complaints procedure

Mismanagement, fraud and corruption procedure

Both ENDS needs to ensure that our support reaches our partners in the most efficient, effective and transparent manner possible. There is no room for mismanagement, fraud and corruption, which divert support and resources elsewhere.

Download the Mismanagement, fraud and corruption procedure

Code of conduct

Integrity is key in achieving our goals and fostering professional relationships with civil society actors. These relationships are built on mutual trust and shared values. Our Code of conduct makes explicit what those values are, what we expect from the people that work for and with Both ENDS, and it instructs us on acceptable and unacceptable conduct.

Download Code of conduct

Gender policy

This policy describes Both ENDS' understanding of the importance of gender equality and women's rights in relation to its mission, and defines our commitment to address gender equality as a cross-cutting issue.

Download the Gender policy 

Remuneration policy

More information about Both ENDS' salary system for employees and the director can be found in the Annual Report.

Download the Annual report