
What do we do?

Both ENDS works towards a fair and sustainable world in which everyone has a voice. Our work focuses on a number of overarching themes  and comprises many large, long-term dossiers. Both ENDS also promotes alternatives  that contribute to fair and sustainable use and management of land and water, to local solutions for climate adaptation, and to participation for all, including women.


  • Climate justice
  • Human rights and gender
  • Land & water governance
  • Public finance for development
  • Trade and investments

Dossiers in the spotlight

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    Advocating for responsible policies of development banks

    Development banks should comply with strict environmental and human rights rules to ensure that their projects benefit and do not harm the poorest groups. Both ENDS monitors the banks to make sure they do.
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    Communities Regreen the Sahel

    In various countries in the Sahel, vast tracts of land have been restored by the local population by nurturing what spontaneously springs from the soil and protecting the sprouts from cattle and hazards.
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    Green Climate Fund: calling for local access to climate finance

    Local organisations and groups must be given access to climate finance from the Green Climate Fund. They know exactly what is happening in their local context and what is required for climate adaptation.
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    Investment treaties

    Investment treaties must be inclusive, sustainable and fair. That means that they must not put the interests of companies before those of people and their living environment.
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    Rich Forests

    Rich Forests promotes a sustainable and future-proof production system and supports, among other things, the transformation of degraded land into food forests. With this, people provide for their livelihood, increase their income and at the same time restore soil and biodiversity.
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    Paris Proof Export Support

    Almost two-thirds of the export credit insurances that Atradius DSB provided in the 2012-2018 period went to the fossil energy sector. That is contrary to the climate agreements that the Netherlands signed in Paris. 
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