Blog / 21 maart 2012

High time for Chapter 8

High time for Chapter 8


The in 1972 published book 'Limits to Growth' is known for its very technical analysis of the development of the world. With modules and large databases the book tries to show that there are limits to growth, thereby calling for a change in our global economic system. Forty years later, comparing the calculations of the '72 modules with the data of today, it turns out that even the gloomiest predictions of '72 are becoming reality.


Dana wasn't just a theoretical scientist and expert in system theories. She was also convinced that knowledge alone wasn't going to bring the changes the Club of Rome was calling for. That's why she wrote a Chapter 8 in the last version of 'Limits to Growth'. In that Chapter she indicates what is really needed to achieve a sustainable world. The Chapter wasn't published in '72 because it supposedly wasn't 'scientific' enough.


Today, we know that Dana was right. Her Chapter 8 is now a leading part in the presentations on the renewed calculations of the module. Her Chapter calls for a revision of vision, love, networking, learning and speaking the truth. Chapter 8 is mandatory for everybody who's working on a better world.


In honor of Dana's birthday and for everyone who wishes to be inspired, here are two links:

  • A video of Dana calling for visioning at a scientific congress in '94
  • Chapter 8

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