
'Positive Vibes from the Sahel' on Africa Day in KIT Amsterdam

On Saturday April 13th, the annual Africa day will take place in the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam.


Both ENDS and Voice 4 Thought will organise a joint workhop (in English), titled:


'Positive vibes from the Sahel: from regreening to slam poetry'


Facilitator: Andrew Makkinga


The Sahel region from Chad to Senegal is often seen in the Netherlands as an immensely dry, infertile area where extremists and smugglers serve and where hunger thrives. But there is so much more to tell about the Sahel region.


Over the last decades, a large number of positive social initiatives have been taken up both in the cities and in rural areas. Initiatives that create and stimulate self-esteem, culture, education, climate resilience and prosperity.


Young people are often the driving force behind these movements, which is not surprising considering that almost 70 percent of the population in a country like Niger is under the age of 25.


In this workshop Both ENDS and Voice4Thought want to tell the other story of the Sahel by highlighting some of these positive initiatives, and by showing how they are interlinked and part of a larger, bottom up movement in this area.


Hope to see you there!