
Events archive

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    Environmental Litigation: An Underestimated risk for Investors

    Extreme weather events, environmental degradation and stakeholder activism force companies to reconsider climate change as an aggravating risk with tangible impacts on global supply chains, business performance, brand reputation and ESG ratings. Business strategies that neglect adequate environmental action can lead to consumer boycotts, negative media attention, investor runs and even legal action.

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    CBA18: International Conference on Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change

    Already for the 18th time, the International Conference on Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change (CBA18) will take place from May 6-9 In Arusha, Tanzania. In this conference practitioners, civil society organisations, donors, and representatives from governments and multilateral agencies come together to learn from each other and explore opportunities for collaboration.

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    From Policy To Practice: Funding Locally-led Gender-Just Climate Action

    A discussion on the intersection of climate and gender justice - specifically on financing mechanisms for gender-just climate solutions!

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    The environmental and human rights impacts of raw material extraction: Lithium in the High Andes, Argentina

    Following the Raw Material Week in November 2023 and the provisional agreement on the Critical Raw Material Regulation, Wetlands International Europe together with Both ENDS and the EU Raw Materials Coalition have organised a session seeking an open discussion on the environmental and human rights impacts of raw materials extraction, in and around vulnerable areas.

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    Agroecology as a Climate Change Measure: Exploring financial opportunities for Agroecological Practices in Africa

    Climate conference (UNFCCC) side event

    This event will showcase the vital need to advance agroecology as a people, nature and livelihood-centred approach towards climate adaptation and mitigation. It will make the case for agroecology and climate action based on researched and carefully selected case studies on agroecology in Africa and how it is and can continue contributing to adaptation and mitigation of the impacts of climate change.

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    Gender Just Climate Policy & Finance: From Barriers to Actionable Solutions

    Climate conference (UNFCCC) side event

    Let's tackle gender equality in climate policy & finance, moving from obstacles to practical solutions at our in-person event on December 3rd  in Dubai.

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    Climate March

    On Sunday November 12th, we'll join the feminist block of this year's climate march in Amsterdam. Join us!

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    Election debate: The Netherlands in the world

    See the Dutch web page for more information (in Dutch).

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    Debate: Fossil disaster in Mozambique

    In 2021, the Dutch government provided a €,- worth export credit support to Totals Mozgas project in Cabo Delgado, despite civil society warnings about human rights and environmental risks. The gas exploitation fueled a violent conflict, culminating in the Palma attack, displacing 800,000 people and killing 1,200 people.

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    The Future We See - Food Systems

    What does a food system look like that serves the well-being of people and the planet?

    While agriculture and livestock food production in the world have become increasingly large-scale, industrial and ever more efficient for decades, the damage and inequality this food system causes is also becoming increasingly clear. Across the world, more and more people are therefore engaged in alternative, sustainable food production that ensures many generations to come to still have access to fertile, healthy land and clean water.

    In this talkshow, we highlight some of these examples and hope to fuel the dialogue about this topic.


    • Rosinah Mbenya  - PELUM Kenya (via Zoom)
    • Matt Canfield -  University of Leiden
    • Ida Simonsen - Dutch UN Youth Representative Biodiversity and Food
    • John Arink - Ekoboerderij Arink (biodynamic farmer)


    Farid Tabarki  - Studio Zeitgeist


    Inspired? Join our 'The Future We See' - talkshow on September 28th! You can either attend live or online, quietly listen or actively participate in the discussion  - or during the drinks afterwards. We hope to see you there!

     Join online using this link

    Also take a look at our previous session

    To get a glimpse of the atmosphere, see a short video of our last session (about economic systems):

    And to dive in a little deeper, watch this compilation:



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    The Future We See: economic systems

    What does an economy look like that serves the well-being of people and the planet?

    A wide range of great ideas about a transition to sustainable and just economic systems already exist, including ways to get there and examples that show that it is really possible. In this talkshow, we highlight some of these examples and hope to fuel the dialogue about this topic. 

    Inspired? Join our 'The Future We See' - talkshow on May 25th! You can either attend live or online, quietly listen or actively participate in the discussion. We hope to see you there!

    Get your free tickets for the liveshow (limited!) or to join online here!

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