
The European Election Debate: do we opt for the climate and a fair Europe? (in Dutch)

Europe's future. What does it look like and, more importantly, what kind of Europe do we want?  

In the run-up to the European elections, the Fair, Green & Global Alliance is organising the European Election Debate in cooperation with FNV, Tax Justice and HandelAnders: a debate in which various European leaders and candidate MEPs are challenged to answer the above questions.

Four rounds of debate will take place touching upon the current and controversial themes of human rights, taxes, climate and trade.

The debate will be moderated by Dionne Abdoelhafiezkhan.


Participating politicians so far:

  • Anja Hazekamp (PvdD)
  • Arnout Hoekstra (SP)
  • Bas Eickhout (GroenLinks)
  • Paul Tang (PvdA)
  • Reinier van Lanschot (Volt)
  • Sophie in 't Veld (D66)


(Note: the debate will be in Dutch!)