News / 19 september 2011

[New movie] Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change

 Both ENDS' deputy director Paul Wolvekamp attended the 10th Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change which was hosted by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) and Oxfam Novib and took place in The Hague on the 7th of september.

According to Andy White, coordinator of RRI, it was a logical step to organize the meeting in The Netherlands: "The Dutch have been global leaders in agriculture and climate issues and are very active on the international forest front as well. Both the Dutch government and NGOs in The Netherlands have had an important role in the dialogue on forests and climate change. Therefore this country is the right place to continue our discussion."

For Paul Wolvekamp it was especially important to mention the rights of females worldwide. 'A large portion (67%) of the work worldwide is being done by women. Yet they are hardly represented in parliaments, and only 1% of all the land worldwide is owned by these working women.'

The dialogue lasted two days and was visited by representatives from NGO's, business companies and politicians (including former Minister of Agriculture Gerda Verburg). Considering the amount of  global problems brought to the attention of the visitors, many more dialogues like this will be needed worldwide.


For more information, check the website of the Rights and Resources Initiatives.

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