News / 1 augustus 2016

2015: A year of change

For Both ENDS, the year 2015 marked an ending and a new beginning. It was the last year of the Communities of Change and the Ecosystem Alliance. The Fair, Green and Global Alliance also came to a close in its current form at the end of 2015. But the end of these programmes certainly does not mean the work will stop; what has been built up in the past five years will be continued within the new partnerships with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which have already started in 2016.

Together with our partners, we put burning issues directly influencing local communities, on national and international agenda's. We called upon financial institutions and governments to take their responsibilities by respecting human rights and the environment. At the same time we supported our partners in finding and implementing their own ways to improve the livelihoods of many, making water management and land use more sustainable and enhancing women's rights. For example, in Indonesia the IndoWater Community of Practice got fully underway in 2015. Together with three local partners, located in three different river basins, we addressed Indonesian water crisis.

In Africa, the new African Analog Forestry Network developed a programme to restore ecosystems and improve livelihoods in diverse ecological settings. Furthermore, Both ENDS continued to support the Ngäbe Buglé people, an indigenous tribe in Panama, in their opposition to the construction of the Barro Blanco dam, which is financed in part by the Dutch development bank FMO.

Please visit our online Annual Report 2015 to read more about the activities of Both ENDS in 2015.

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