News / 27 March 2014

An edible forest in the Netherlands!

Our first edible forest is a fact! On Saturday the 29th of March, the first Dutch ‘Analog Forestry food forest’ will be opened by Rich Forests (an initiative of Both ENDS and others)  together with Sustainsville on the Welna estate. With ‘analog forestry’, a method used by our Southern partners for years now, forests and forest landscapes are not only restored to their original condition, but enriched in such a way that they produce food products that can be used and sold by local residents.



How would this method work in the Netherlands? We will find out on this demonstration site on the Veluwe. Everyone is welcome to join us on the official opening on Saturday! Our guest speaker is Grover Stock, the chairman of the board of the International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN) which we have been working with for years, and an expert on ‘edible forests'. He teaches permaculture and analog forestry and travels around the world to give lectures. Fancy an educational, fun walk on the Welna estate on the Veluwe near Epe - the site of the food forest? Saturday 29 March from 2 pm to 5 pm.


For more information, send a mail to 

Rich Forests


Voedselbos Ketelbroek



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