News / 2 juli 2008

Baobabconnections wins award on UN-Habitat conference in Durban

Baobabconnections has won a 'Best Practices Award' at the UN-Habitat conference on International Youth & Crime Prevention. Baobabconnections - the youth programme of Both ENDS - was also taken up into the final resolution.


Prior to the conference Baobabconnections organised an online competition. An ample 1100 young people from 52 different countries gave their vision on city crime prevention. Contributions varied from essays, to poems, project proposals, short films, songs and graffiti's. The 20 most creative minds went together with Baobabconnections to the UN conference in Durban.

Baobabconnections has a bridging function it connects young people from the city with their local governments. In many cities young people initiate projects that have major impact on local youth. Baobabconnections gives credit to these initiatives by putting them up on international podiums and by this creates recognition at local governments.

During the conference project leader Shamiel Adams launched the international urban youth platform of Baobabconnections. Youth from all over the world can now unite itself in the first sustainable online community.

For more information, check the website of Baobabconnections.


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