News / 6 april 2009

Both ENDS partner NTFP-EP wins Philippine Web Award

Non Timber Forest Products-Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP), one of Both ENDS' partners, won first prize at the Philippine Web Awards. It was the eleventh edition of this awards event. They were awarded first prize in the category 'best website by a non-profit organisation'. The NTFP EP network has long been helping local forest-dwelling communities who have found a sustainable way to make a living from the forest.


Non-wood forest products (NTFPs), such as honey, nuts and some tea varieties, are defined as 'organic materials', unlike wood. However, some products that are made from forest products, such as ratan chairs, are also seen as NTFP. Working on these products is a source of income for many communities. Luckily, these local communities are now more involved with the sustainable management of their forests.

For more information about NTFP-EP, see our website. Or contact Paul Wolvekamp.

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