News / 9 November 2023

Both ENDS welcomes new leadership: Annelieke Douma and Karin van Boxtel are interim directors!

Both ENDS has two new interim directors from November 9: Annelieke Douma and Karin van Boxtel. After 15 years, Danielle Hirsch hands over the directorship. She is currently standing for election to the GroenLinks/PvdA list. Annelieke and Karin will lead Both ENDS during the transition period to a new director of Both ENDS. Together with the board and the organisation, the new directors duo is full of energy to get to work in the coming months.

Connecting leadership

Annelieke and Karin have been working at Both ENDS for a long time and know the organisation inside and out. They have both held various leadership roles for many years. Annelieke: "We stand for connecting leadership. Both towards colleagues in the self-organising organisation of Both ENDS, and towards partners in The Netherlands and abroad." In these times of change and uncertainty - from the elections in the Netherlands to the climate crisis and increasing insecurity in the countries where our partners work - this is all the more important.

Connecting people for change

This is also Karin's motivation for the interim directorship: "I see that Both ENDS was at the origin of important changes in the Dutch policy world. Take for instance the commitment to stop export credit insurance in fossil projects, or the House of Parliament that seems to be increasingly convinced that a different trade system is needed to achieve a food transition. These changes are desperately needed and this is what I want to achieve together with the Both ENDS team and partners in the near future." Annelieke: "Civil society organisations and movements worldwide show how we can deal with nature and each other in a sustainable, inclusive and just way. Their initiatives and ideas are now needed more than ever. I strongly believe in the power of our partner network and our slogan Connecting people for change."

Broad knowledge, large network

With their substantive background they cover a broad spectrum of topics. Annelieke Douma has been active in the field of sustainable water management, climate, gender and women's rights for many years. Together with numerous partner organisations of Both ENDS, she has achieved success on these themes and has helped shape the collaboration between the environmental and women's rights movements in the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action.

Karin van Boxtel has contributed to the Fair, Green and Global programme in several roles. She has now become a well-known figure in The Hague - among ministries and a large number of MPs and civil servants - as a passionate advocate of sustainable and inclusive food systems, agriculture and the role that the Netherlands should take in trade and financing flows on the world stage.

Danielle Hirsch has indicated that she will not return to Both ENDS as director. The organization and the board look back with great appreciation on the past 15 years with Danielle as director. In the near future, the board of Both ENDS will, in consultation with the organization, determine how the directorship will be structured after May 1st.

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