News / 20 januari 2016

Come to the Food Otherwise conference!

The first Voedsel Anders (Food Otherwise) conference in February 2014 was visited by more than 800 people. And that literally gave everyone the taste for more! So this year, the second Voedsel Anders conference is to be held. The conference is the initiative of the Voedsel Anders movement, which consists of organisations and active citizens who are engaged in a different way in changing the food system and making it sustainable. Karin van Boxtel from Both ENDS is involved in organising the conference.

What is the aim of Voedsel Anders?

“Firstly, we want the Voedsel Anders movement to grow, develop and become stronger. The previous conference produced a number of concrete and less concrete results. In 2015, inspired by Voedsel Anders, a 'Bodem Anders’ (Soil Otherwise) conference was held, as was a workshop on short chains. But the conference also made the network much stronger and brought people together who approach the theme from widely varying viewpoints. And the link with the Flemish movement, for example, has become much stronger. Secondly, it is time to enter into a dialogue with external parties, like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, more gradually, even with actors from the private sector. The aim is to show them how things can be done differently, also on a global scale. That is different to the previous conference, which focused mainly on the development of the Voedsel Anders movement itself. Now that has a strong foundation, we can build further on a sustainable food system.”


What makes the conference worthwhile?

“Just by looking at the different workshops that Both ENDS is organising at the conference – ranging from setting up a food forest, to the right to food, to the influence of the WTO on worldwide agricultural practices – you can see how many facets there are to the issue of food security and how many different sustainable solutions there are. The conference offers a wide range of informative workshops and lectures, something for everyone. But, above all, you can meet people with the same interests, engage in networking and gain a lot of inspiration!”


You can register here for one or both of the days at the conference.

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