News / 14 juli 2011

Council of the European Union briefed on animal husbandry conference

EU Agriculture Ministers have been officially briefed by the Hungarian Presidency on the outcome of a 3-day conference on how the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) can promote sustainable animal husbandry. The conference was organized with the support of Both ENDS by a consortium of European NGO's & Fair Trade organizations. 80 Civil Society representatives from 15 European countries were brought together to Debrecen (Hungary) to discuss how the future Common Agricultural Policy can contribute to a sustainable animal husbandry sector in Europe.


The CAP is a system of European Union agricultural subsidies and programs. It represents 48% of the EU's budget. The CAP combines a direct subsidy payment for crops and land which may be cultivated with price support mechanisms, including guaranteed minimum prices, import tariffs and quotas on certain goods from outside the EU.

Besides the direct implication in Europe, special attention was given to the connection with the European trade policy agenda and the implications for developing countries. The local impacts of the feedstuff production for the EU animal husbandry sector in Latin America presented by Verena Glass (Centro de Monitoramento de Agrocombustíveis, Brazil) is a point of major concern.

The conclusions of the Civil Society side event to the informal Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting can be found in the online register of EU Council documents. To view the briefing, click here.

For further in-depth documentation of the conference, including the presentations, podcasts and photographic impression, click here.


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