News / 9 juni 2015

Documentary on Indian river by our partner

The Cauvery, a large river that runs through west and southeastern India, is home to a varied and vibrant wildlife and communities. The video documentary team of Dusty Foot Productions had initially been working on a research project on wildlife – mainly otters – of the Cauvery. While documenting the vibrant and diverse ecosystem around the river, the Dusty Foot team however realised that it could not ignore the problems that were present in the area: illegal gill netting, sand mining and the construction of mini hydels (hydroelectric power plants).The story about the Cauvery’s wildlife could therefore not be told without also focusing on the negative effects of industrial projects on the environment.

The result is a compelling short film – supported by Both ENDS, IUCN, Wetlands International and the Ecosystem Alliance. The Dusty Foot team also incorporated the opinions of the NGO South Asia Network on Dams Rivers and People (SANDRP). Large infrastructure projects have already caused much damage, like floods, in India, submerging entire villages. In the southern state of Karnataka, 98 mini hydel projects along the Cauvery are now ongoing. “The assumption is that hydro-power is green, hence: mini hydels are extra green”, says Dandekar of SANDRP. But the socio-ecological cost of these projects does not seem to be of concern to developers. And while wildlife is being threatened, local communities do not seem to be raising their voice against these projects, except in the Western Ghats of Karnataka.


With their video, Dusty Foot Productions hopes to shed light on the issue and raise more awareness about river ecology and the effects of industrial projects on natural river habitats.


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