News / 21 mei 2013

Finally! Rich Forests kick-off

On Wednesday 22 May is the official launch the Rich Forests Initiative: an exciting moment for Both ENDS and its partners after months of hard work. Roos Nijpels from Both ENDS explains what the Rich Forests initiative is and why the initiative is needed right now.


What is the Rich Forests initiative?

Roos: “The Rich Forests initiative is a cooperation between Both ENDS and two existing international networks: the Non Timber Forest Products Exchange Program (NTFP-EP) and the International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN). The NTFP focuses on preserving the biodiversity of natural forests, while IAFHN focuses on the restoration of degraded forests. By bringing these two networks together we can provide a whole-landscape approach and tell a complete story. Because Rich Forests can show the whole picture it becomes easier to find the right match between local projects and companies that are interested in cooperating or investing.”   


Who is the Rich Forests initiative for?

“The existing projects of the NTFP-EP and the IAFN that are now part of Rich Forests are primarily for local communities and farmers. The goal of the projects is not only the preservation of the forests, but also guaranteeing an income for the local people. But in the end everyone benefits from fighting climate change,” says Roos. “Rich Forests as an overarching initiative focuses primarily on bringing together investors, companies and local farmers. There is already a lot of knowledge and experience in the local projects, but the main problem today is the decline in funding. Therefore we need to find new partnerships that can help us finance our existing projects and also start some new and innovative projects. “


What is the role of Both ENDS in the Rich Forests initiative?

“The role of Both ENDS is telling the complete story to the ‘North’ in order to find new funding partners. Together with my Both ENDS colleague Maake Hendriks I am going to look for new sources of funding for the Rich Forests projects in the coming months. A difficult task, but a great challenge!”


Do you want to know more about the Rich Forests initiative? Visit the Rich Forests website


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