News / 29 januari 2024

Five climate projects of 2024 in a nutshell

Together with environmental justice groups from the Global South, Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world. Both ENDS gathers and shares information about policy and investments that have a direct impact on people and their livelihood, we engage in joint advocacy, we stimulate the dialogue between stakeholders and we promote and support sustainable local alternatives.

Niels Hazekamp: ‘Combatting global warming is more important than ever. Below we highlight five climate projects through which our partners and Both ENDS are making a difference in 2024.


1. Ending public finance for fossil fuels

We haven’t won the fight to end fossil fuels as yet. Export credit agencies provide billions to fossil fuels each year. The climate crisis can only be solved if export credit agencies stop supporting further exploration of fossil fuels. On this website Both ENDS, in a coalition with concerned civil society organizations across the world, mapped this support and calls on governments to immediately end all public support for fossil fuels.


 2. Public finance for transition minerals

In the context of the ecological and climate crisis, there is an urgent need to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. This massive change places Global South countries once again at the centre of exploration, now for the supply of critical minerals needed for the energy transition. In this report, Both ENDS and FARN explore the case of public finance for lithium mining in Argentina and provide recommendations for making a just transition to sustainable energy systems.


3. Climate finance and women

Women are disproportionally affected by the impact of climate change, yet hardly have access to climate funding from the large global climate funds. The news site Mongabay revealed that of all the philanthropic funding to address climate change, 80% to organizations led by men; only 0,2% of all foundation funding focuses on women and the environment. This underutilises women’s capacity as a change agent to adapt to climate change and to transition their communities to more sustainable ways of livelihood. But there are examples of programs such as the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action that seek to reverse this trend by making small grants available to women-led grass roots initiatives to address climate change.


4. Youth leadership

There is no question that if we want to address climate change, we need to invest in tomorrow’s green Community leaders. Both ENDS’ Joke Waller Hunter Initiative, in memory of its pioneering co-founder, helps build the next generation of environmental leaders through tailored small grants. We unlock environmental potential for education, training, and organizational capacity building. The Joke Waller Hunter initiative is an initiative created and powered by Both ENDS.


5. Women frontline defenders

Despite the risks to their lives and well-being, women climate defenders play powerful and diverse roles in uniting communities while resisting exploitation by climate-negative . Unfortunately, their efforts often go unnoticed and suffer from insufficient funding and recogniton and political support, since only 0,05% of overall foundation funding for the environment is dedicated to addressing gender-based violence against women environmental activists. The report Women on the Frontlines of Extractivism can guide funders on how to support  women on the frontlines of climate justice activism.

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