News / 20 October 2009

G-20 summit: Balkenende goes for sustainable money

Within the context of the upcoming G-20 summit in the United States, Both ENDS, SOMO, Tax Justice and Oxfam Novib wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Balkenende. On September 24-25 he will represent the Netherlands in meetings with nineteen world leaders and heads of international financial institutions about combating the global crisis.


Up for discussion will not only be the financial crisis, but also the food-, energy- and climate crises. To ensure that the outcomes of the summit will not only benefit rich economies, Both ENDS calls on the Prime Minister to commit himself to:


1. Reforming the financial sector and making it more sustainable.
2. Tackling tax havens and reducing capital flight.
3. Strengthening the position of developing countries.


For more information download the letter to Prime Minister Balkenende. Or visit our webpage on the financial crisis.

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