News / 3 juni 2020

Green light for FGG and GAGGA!

Last Friday, 29 May, it was announced that both the Fair, Green and Global Alliance (FGG) and the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) have been selected as two of the 20 potential strategic partnerships of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the 2021-2025 period. Both ENDS is pleased that the Dutch government is seriously considering extending its support to these networks, as they show that cooperation on the basis of equality between grassroots organisations and NGOs throughout the world can continue to bring about change in the position of women, in respect for human rights and in making trade chains and financing systems sustainable.

Fair, Green and Global Alliance

The FGG alliance, for which Both ENDS is the lead agency, comprises eight organisations: IT for Change from India, the Samdhana Institute from Indonesia and ActionAid, Both ENDS, Mileudefensie, SOMO, Schone Kleren Campagne and TNI from the Netherlands. In the coming five years FGG will continue to put environmental and human rights violations on the agenda and draw attention to the link between local social and environmental problems and the global economic system.

We will continue to work with hundreds of organisations, people and movements around the world that address abuses and work towards sustainable solutions, so that they acquire a voice in decision-making processes and can exert influence on policy and legislation. Now that we are in the middle of a period of reflection, the alliance will focus the spotlight particularly on organisations that have been putting future-proof food, energy and trade systems into practice for many years.

Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action

The GAGGA alliance is led by the Nicaraguan women’s fund Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres (FCAM).  In less than five years, together with FCAM and Mama Cash – the other partner in the alliance – we have succeeded in building a bridge between the women’s and the environmental movements. The alliance has enormously increased the effectiveness of both movements on specific themes, such as mining and women’s access to land and water.

With the renewed funding, GAGGA is entering a new phase in which the link between women’s rights and climate can be further strengthened. For the hundreds of organisations, local funds and movements, the continuation of the funding is excellent news in difficult times. Together we will continue with the coalitions and partnerships between women’s and environmental organisations and grassroots groups and expand them to further embrace the worldwide climate movement.

Not good news for everyone

We are pleased that we can probably continue the work of both alliances but are also aware that many other alliances have not been selected for funding. The discontinuation of funding is first and foremost a bitter pill to swallow for all those people who received support from these alliances in improving their livelihoods. We sincerely hope that other ways will be found to continue support to these people.

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