News / 18 maart 2015

Join the TTIP Debate at the Volkshotel in Amsterdam

By now, TTIP, the new EU-US free trade agreement, has become a hot topic in the Netherlands too. There has been heavy protest against this trade deal from civil society organisations, scientists, lawyers and civilians, who all have set off a ‘TTIP-alarm’. How much truth is there in their concerns about TTIP? What are the implications of TTIP for the Netherlands? If you are curious to find out the answers to these questions, then come to ‘The Big TTIP Debate: The debate about the free trade agreement between the EU and US’ on Friday evening April 17th. Several speakers will discuss with each other and with the audience about the above (and many more) questions.

Will the average civilian notice the consequences of this trade deal? Will it lead to more job opportunities, for example? And what about ISDS (investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanism): will multinationals get a monopoly position? In short: who would like a “cup of TTIP? “.


For the debate, we have invited:

Jeronim Capaldo, econometrist at the International Labour Organization (ILO)
Agnes Jongerius, MEP for the PvdA
Ewald Engelen, professor financial geography at the Universityof Amsterdam
Catelene Passchier, vice-presidentof the Dutch Labour Union FNV
Ronald Roosdorp, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Koen Berden, Managing Director Ecorys Netherlands
Anne-Marie Mineur, MEP for the SP
Moderator: Eric Smit (Follow the Money)


Date: Friday April 17th 2015

Location: Volkshotel, Wibautstraat 150, Amsterdam

Time: 20.00-22.00

Organised by: TNI, SOMO, Both ENDS, Milieudefensie, FNV and Follow The Money (FTM)


Tickets: €7,50 at the door


For more information about the debate: check the flyer


For more information about TTIP, read our previous newsitems:


January 22nd 2015: Broad opposition to the controversial investor-to-state-dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism

July 17th 2014: Juncker against controversial dispute settlement mechanism ISDS as part of EU-US trade agreement TTIP



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