News / 8 januari 2009

Land Dispute Settlement Facility under RSPO

Both ENDS introduced process to develop a land Dispute Settlement Facility under the Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil during RSPO Round Table 6 in Bali.


Both ENDS attended the RSPO Round Table 6 held in Bali 17th-20-th November 2008. We hosted a series of brainstorm sessions on the development of a 'Dispute Settlement Facility' under RSPO to offer mediation to resolve conflicts, notably over land.

Many RSPO members - plantation companies and mills, small holder palm oil growers and NGOs - and local community representatives repeatedly express the often difficult challenge of dealing with such disputes adequately and in a timely manner. The ability of RSPO Members to adequately address disputes encountered on the ground, on land issues in particular, is key to meeting the objectives and standards of RSPO.


Unresolved disputes easily polarise with subsequent negative consequences for all parties involved. This also reflects negatively on the RSPO, which as an institution aims to guide the sector towards sustainable palm oil.


Earlier, during the last year's RSPO RT 5 (Kuala Lumpur, November 2006) Both ENDS introduced the concept of developing a Mediation Facility under RSP which offers plantation companies, local communities and other relevant stakeholders an opportunity to constructively deal with such disputes in a preventive and remedial manner. Following the various brainstorm sessions last November in Bali, this idea has now been seconded by a wide range of RSPO members and the RSPO Executive Board.


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