News / 5 December 2012

Launch of Soy Barometer 2012

Today, the Soy Barometer 2012 will be released. The Soy Barometer gives insight on the amount of soy imported, processed and consumed by the Dutch, and which part of it can be called 'responsibly produced'.  In the Soy Barometer 2012, data is compared with the Soy Barometer 2009.

Only 7 % responsible

The latest Soy Barometer indicates that of the 2.4 million total tonnes of soybeans processed in Dutch food chains – for products intended for the Dutch market and for export - only 7% was produced responsibly in 2011. While this figure is almost double that of 2008 (4% of the 3.3 million tonnes) it is still very limited. In practice, this means that there’s no guarantee that the other more than 93% of the soy processed and consumed in the Netherlands, did not come from vulnerable expansion areas where soy cultivation has negative social- and ecological consequences.


100% by 2015?

Dutch actors in the soy chain have made agreements to purchase only responsible soy by 2015. Still a lot of work to do! The Dutch Soy Coalition will continue to stress the urgency and to stimulate all actors to act according to the agreements they made.



Soy Barometer 2012


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