News / 2 February 2015

Minister Ploumen announces partnerships 2016-2020

The past months, weeks and final hours were without a doubt exciting. Last Friday afternoon, the announcement finally came in: the proposals for partnerships that were submitted by Both ENDS, have both been approved by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are incredibly happy that we can bring this great news to our colleagues from Southern partner organisations, who are dedicated to making the world a better place to live in.


On the other hand, we are aware of the huge consequences of budget cuts on development cooperation as well: a large number of Dutch colleague-organizations, and therefore also their local partners, will be hit hard by these cuts. We realize that this means that our network of civil society organisations will be weakened.


Fair, Green & Global

The Fair, Green & Global Alliance, of which we have been secretary since 2011, will continue working to achieve our ambitions for a fairer global trade and financial system. The six Dutch members of the alliance and their expansive network of southern partners are pushing for more stringent social and environmental regulations for businesses and investors, better legislation for- and regulation of labour circumstances, and supporting those whose rights have been violated. As an alliance, we have also been increasingly devoting more attention to the development of alternatives that could function as models for sustainable and inclusive development.


Women’s and environmental organisations

Together with MamaCash, Both ENDS is member of the ‘Green Alliance for Gender Action’, of which Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres (FCAM) is the secretary. Globally, the well-being of many women is inextricably linked with the quality of their living environment. And increasingly more organizations that fight for a cleaner living environment, safe drinking water and the right to food are being led by women. Yet, women’s rights and sustainable development are two divided worlds. So with this partnership - the only one out of the 25 selected partnerships being led by a southern organization - we want to bring together local women's and environmental movements, and show how they -together- can make a difference in the fight against poverty, injustice and environmental degradation.


Lobby & advocacy

With her decision, Minister Ploumen acknowledges the knowledge, expertise and commitment of our southern network, and the added value of working from ‘both sides’ – locally and globally – for better rules, respect for human rights, and the development of sustainable and fair alternatives. Together with minister Ploumen, we will strive to put the financing of these activities more prominently on the agendas of national and international donors.


Update about the good news on the website of FCAM (Spanish)

Update about the good news on the website of FGG (English)

Update about the division of partnerships in ViceVersa online

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