News / 16 april 2013

NGO report busts the myths of the Emissions Trading Scheme

How can companies be stimulated to use cleaner production methods and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases? In Europe the answer was thought to be found in a system called the ‘EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)’, implemented in 2005.  Within this system, European companies get a fixed maximum number of ‘emission rights’ which they may either use themselves or sell to other companies – for example in case they emit less than they’re permitted to. Unfortunately the system has only had contrary effects, which is the reason why many organisations including Both ENDS, want it to stop immediately.


While the European Commission hoped to make the system more effective by reforming it a bit, we are convinced that keeping this failed system in place would further delay real action for reducing emissions in Europe. One of the reforms proposed by the Commission was to backload (temporarily withdraw) 900 million emission permits within the ETS system in order to force up the price of the allowances.


The joint NGO’s find this a short term measure that will not help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore we endorsed a report to ‘bust the myths of the Emissions Trading Scheme’ which served as input to the European Parliament in its vote on the subject on April 16. The Parliament rejected the proposal, which is clearing the way for steps in a different, more sustainable and effective direction.


A press release was launched for the publication of the report.

Myth busting report

Scrap the ETS system website

Previous news item (Februari 22) about EU ETS



Photo: Adam Jakubiak on Flickr


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