News / 1 mei 2012

National Heritage Month Event in the Philippines

For small-scale farmers in development countries it's getting increasingly more difficult to compete with large-scale agricultural companies that have popped up all around the world in the past decades. The exhibition Sanlog! will be on display in the city of Bacolod in the Philippines until the end of May. This exhibition offers insight into the way in which the indigenous population uses its natural habitat in a sustainable manner. The photos and artifacts show how sustainable production techniques have been used for centuries and may serve as an inspiration for the rest of the population.


The exhibition came about with the help of the 'Communities of Change alliance' which Both ENDS forms together with Cordaid. This alliance supports small-scale farmers to sell their products in a sustainable way, so they can continue to maintain their livelihoods. Within this alliance, Both ENDS takes on the role of network-organisation: local initiatives and methods are brought under the attention of other organisations in similar situations as well as of national and international policy makers. In this way, they can be incorporated into policy and management of natural resources. 


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