News / 5 August 2015

Our Indian partner Gram Swaraj wins award for ‘Peoples Parliament’

We have good news from our partner organisation Gram Swaraj in India! In light of the Ecosystem Alliance India Programme, Both ENDS and the Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP) have nominated Gram Swaraj for the ‘Paul K. Feyerabend Award – A World of Solidarity is Possible’. This organization is committed to fighting for the rights of tribal communities in rural India. Due to increased mining and other industrial activities in India, the culture, living environment and overall existence of such communities are being threatened.

Gram Swaraj’s efforts for these Indian tribal communities have yielded such good results, that the Board of the Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation (PFK Foundation) decided to grant the organisation’s initiative ‘Peoples Parliament’ the Feyerabend Award. The Board is impressed with the concept of the Parliament serving as a platform for the tribal communities of the Indian state Odisha. Community members can thus exchange and collectively propose ideas, for example on how to deal with certain threats to their livelihoods.


Both ENDS is happy to support such initiatives and organisations, and therefore applauds the announcement of the winner of the PFK Award.


For more information about Gram Swaraj, see NTFP-EP's website

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